Smoked Chocolate Lava Cake
· 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
· 1 cup butter
· 4 eggs
· 4 egg yolks
· ½ cup flour
· 1 cup powdered sugar
· ½ tsp salt
1) Preheat smoker to 425F. Thoroughly spray a non-stick muffin pan
2) Melt butter and chocolate chips in microwave safe bowl in 30 second intervals, stirring between after each 30 seconds, until butter and chocolate chips are fully melted and the mixture is smooth. You can also use a double boiler for the process.
3) Whisk eggs and egg yolks together. Add flour, salt, powdered sugar and melted chocolate and butter mixture. Stir until combined.
4) Spoon batter in to muffin pan
5) Place on smoker for 9 minutes. Do not overcook!
6) Let cakes sit for 3 minutes once removed from smoker.
7) Put large cutting board over muffin tin and quickly invert on to board. Tap the tin to ensure muffins are released. Slowly lift muffin tin from cutting board.
8) Serve warm.
We like to serve ours with a dusting of powder sugar and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. YUM!!!
Smoked Chocolate Lava Cake! Your Taste Buds Will Thank You!